Thursday, July 31, 2008

Linville Falls, NC

WE went up into the Mountains and spend a few days at Linville Falls. These falls have so many cascades its hard to get a picture of it all. I hiked in about 1 1/2 miles to get this view. There are about five different cascades that make up the massive falls (you can only see three in this view). I'll share some other views in the near future.


CARLA said...

I'm putting this on my "places I need to go hiking" list! How pretty!

Anonymous said...

You do a great job.
Sure sounds like your enjoying your retirement.
Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

I see a good spot for a one room cabin in the top left hand corner of the photo. That, a water wheel connected to a generator, a satellite dish with a high speed internet connection and a life time supply of Mt. Dew is all I need. Well, that and a helicopter to haul me up there.